Hello! Welcome to my portfolio. I’m a developer with an emphasis in game technology.
Here you’ll find relevant info about my work, as well as my hobbies and interests.


I started making games when I was 15 using YoYo Game’s GameMaker Studio (1.4 at the time). I have keen interest in game physics, motion capture and simulation.


I am currently working on ‘Psycasso: A Disturbingly Creative Adventure’ with omni-digital technologies, where I develop experimental gameplay features for the core game, and help with architecting game systems, mentoring and maintaining documentation.

I tend to be hacking at something to learn, like a 2D FOSS physics solver; currently I like to play with Godot engine to build VR stuff using both GDNative C++ and GDScript, testing it on my Quest 2. I use Microsoft’s Kinect SDK along with 2 Kinect V2s to record mocap and put it in Godot.

I’ve made some homebrew games for Wii / Gba using devKitPro ‘s toolchain, and written some devlogs on them.

Outside computers, dance has been a long time favored activity of mine, it guides my interest in mocap technologies and analyzing realistic human motion. I like playing the drums sporadically. I love understanding the fun in ‘experimental’ games like ABZU, The Witness, Manifold Garden,.. and the new ways of interacting with games through VR with my Quest 2.
I dont watch many TV shows but I’ve been an avid The Walking Dead fan for a while :)

That should be most of it about me!
Find my contact / social links at the bottom, and feel free to have a look at my posts.

  • Puzzle Bobble: Scoring points (Ball Chains)

    I know it’s been a while but I’ve been busy getting on with my final year at uni. Here’s the second tutorial related to my GBA Puzzle Bobble clone, and I will discuss arguably the hardest feature to develop; Coming up with a solution to detect ball groups of three or more, that share the same colour value. Not only that, but its sister algorithm; One to detect the balls that are left hanging, ran only if we have just deleted three (or more) balls and scored some points.

  • Hexagonal Grids! A Puzzle Bobble Tutorial

    So I have finally gotten through my gba game. Its a Puzzle Bobble clone with a spooky/haunted house aesthetic; Made on Notepad++, using C as well as ARM assembly. It follows a standard C structured code architecture with things such as manual interface classes (Given C doesn’t actually support interfaces)
    Check it out!
    This project started as a university hand-in; I really wanted to get an entire game finished for my deadline but unfortunately i missed a lot of major Puzzle Bobble features before i had to wrap it up (Even then i handed it in a month later , getting a capped mark; But hey, I passed) A major one is the Hex Grid, which i will try and simplify on this entry!